The Little Grey Cells' Blog

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Why is it so exciting to write? Writing is like flying, suddenly you can see a great deal more across and downwards, and you are leaving behind so many contexts into which your voice had to fold over and fit. Suddenly you are speaking for yourself. You can scream, you can whisper or you can sing and every word is welcomed into the sky's vast accepting.

Remember however that writing, like flying is hard work, both require a rigorous, well motored, well-remembered pattern of intuition and planning, else flight in mid-air will change into crash-landing fall.

And you must know the sky, when it will turn and come at you with dark venom, when it will suddenly sulk an withdraw its winds, or when it will burst into a exultation.

Its a lifetime of work. And search. But the finding is worth every painful trial-and-error.



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